Cryotherapy Machine FAQ & Answers
Cryotherapy machines and cryo businesses are as profitable as they are dynamic. You can use a standalone cryotherapy machine to start a cryo business or integrate cryotherapy into an existing business.
Either way, cryotherapy is still booming despite past accidents like the one where NFL star Antonio Brown burnt his feet.¹
Should you choose a nitrogen or electric powered chamber?
Are you thinking of starting a cryotherapy business or buying a cryotherapy machine? Here are the cryotherapy machine FAQ and answers...
Cryotherapy Machine FAQ
1 - Are cryotherapy machines safe for my customers?
This is perhaps the most frequently asked question that we get.
The answer is yes, especially if you are considering the XR cryosauna.
In short, the technology that we have incorporated into our cryotherapy machine creates a safe and reliable experience for both you and your customers.
The Liquid Nitrogen used as a chilling agent in the chamber is not toxic and does not come into contact with the skin.
The other safety features that are included in our XR cryotherapy machine include fingerprint authorization, head sensor, and pulse oxygen sensor and they work together to ensure the safest experience.
But please note that pregnant people and those suffering from diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, cancer, infections, and seizures, or even with open wounds or ulcers are however not advised to use a cryotherapy machine.
2 - How expensive is a cryotherapy machine?
In general, the price of a cryotherapy machine is dependent on the machine's usability, features, safety, design, build, and cost-efficiency.
While prices vary often, the market price for a new nitrogen-based chamber starts from $42,000 to $75,000 USD.
An electric cryotherapy chamber is more expensive and can cost anywhere from $130,000 to $750,000 USD.
Used machines are cheaper but may have added maintenance or repair costs, and no warranty.
3 - What forms of financing can I use to buy a cryotherapy machine?
If you are thinking of purchasing a cryotherapy machine, buying it outright with cash is not your only option.
There are several financing options that you can look into such as:
Going into a revenue-sharing plan with an existing business
Borrowing from family and friends
Applying for special loans like the SBA loans
Investing your personal cash including taking an extra mortgage on your house or drawing from your 401(k)
Seeking out angel investors
4 - What other costs will I incur in operating a cryotherapy machine?
The main operating costs incurred when operating a cryotherapy machine are:
Nitrogen-or-electricity costs
The cost of liquid nitrogen will depend on your location, the number of sessions, and duration between the sessions. Electricity cost will be dependent on the type of chamber you are using.
You can learn more about these costs and get a better idea of your revenue estimates by using our cryotherapy ROI calculator.
5 - Apart from cost, what other factors should I consider when choosing a cryotherapy machine?
The safety of the client should be your first priority. Any accidents within the chamber may lead to lawsuits and bad publicity that may ruin your business.
Also, the customer, with the help of the certified professional, should be able to have a comfortable session where their vitals including pulse and oxygen levels are monitored.
In case any problems arise, you should be able to stop the session safely and with ease.
6 - Do I need to have any special knowledge before operating a cryotherapy machine?
Although the machines are very easy to operate, all operations should be conducted in the presence of a certified operator.
Safety training and safety exams for those operating the chamber are important to avoid mistakes that might increase accidents during the use of the chamber.
The XR cryosauna has built-in software that certifies operators by testing their knowledge of cryotherapy and the cryo machine.
Investing in a Cryotherapy Machine
Investing in a cryotherapy machine is a great idea but be sure to do your market research. Find out your target audience. If you're integrating cryotherapy to an existing business, find a way of marketing the new service to your current customers.
Are you curious about the science behind cryotherapy? Check out our list of peer-reviewed cryotherapy clinical studies.
Links to sources used
Cryotherapy Injury: What Happened To Antonio Brown's Feet -
NOTICE: Information contained within this website and in all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations and Cryo Recovery Lounge is for informational purposes only. Whole Body Cryotherapy, infrared sauna, hyperbaric chamber, and any and all recovery methods described and/or offered by Cryo Recovery Lounge or Cryo Innovations are neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease. No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA. Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy or recovery method. All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.