Cryotherapy on Hot Days


Is cryotherapy better on hot days?  With the summer approaching and temperatures rising many people are considering cryotherapy for the first time.  Is cryotherapy better on hot days, or are there concerns that a customer should be aware of?  Cryo Innovations has researched the vast library of peer-reviewed clinical studies to determine why whole body cryotherapy on a hot day produces such a special experience.


Cryotherapy and Body Temperature

Cryotherapy on hot days will not change a person's internal body temperature; instead, it can change the perception of heat after the session.  Body temperature remains at 98.6°F in healthy people due to homeostasis.¹  A session of whole body cryotherapy will chill the surface area skin, blood vessels, and skeletal muscles, but it will not drop a person's internal temperature.  The practice of cryotherapy is instead based upon the body's ability to respond to extreme cold.  When a person is in a cryotherapy chamber with temperatures below the cryogenic threshold of -165°F their body does specific things that are highly beneficial:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine levels are raised ²

  • Endorphins are released

  • Surface area blood vessels constrict

  • The cold absorbs surface area body heat

Client's Perceptions of Cold Can Differ

Clients who use cryotherapy frequently may complain that the chamber doesn't feel as cold as a previous session.  This difference in cold is not due to the chamber malfunctioning but in the client and the humidity.  Clients who drink hot beverages such as coffee or tea will not experience the cold as harshly as someone who consumes a cold beverage before a cryo session.  Humidity levels also cause some clients to experience a session as less cold than on other days.  Regardless of the perception or opinion of the client the cryotherapy session will always have a positive effect on their body.

Hot Days Sell More Cryotherapy

People are much more open to trying cryotherapy for the first time on a hot or humid day.  This is the time to introduce sales, package discounts, and buy-one get-one free coupons.  Why?  Usually these are the strategies used during slower winter months, but they are often ineffective.  The heartbeat of all marketing is to identify the customer's need before developing the sales pitch.  Promoting sales and discounts during peak summer season identifies the need for cryo first (e.g., it is hot this week!).  Existing clients will appreciate the discount and potential clients will see the discount as a way to justify the purchase (e.g., relief from the heat).

High Heat Concerns

All operators of the XR Cryotherapy Chamber should be aware of hot days, especially if clients arrive sweaty or appear to be overheated.  Sweat that is visible on the skin can turn into frost during the cryo session and harm the client.  Hot days can also present a concern for heat exhaustion.  Clients exhibiting symptoms of heat exhaustion may experience dizziness or confusion and should not be allowed to do cryotherapy as a "cure" for heat exhaustion³. Interested in learning more about buying a cryotherapy machine?  Click here to see how easy it is (no email or registration required).

Are you curious about the science behind cryotherapy?  Check out our list of peer-reviewed cryotherapy clinical studies.


Founded on facts: for peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, and articles cited above please see the below sources. 

 1. Recent studies have found that the benchmark 98.6°F may be decreasing.  Some have postulated that it is due to less inflammation; however, it is still being studied.  Link here:


3. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke which can be very dangerous.  The Mayo Clinic has an excellent and free resource on identifying heat stroke and treatment approaches.  Link here:

NOTICE: Information contained within this website and in all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations and Cryo Recovery Lounge is for informational purposes only.  Whole Body Cryotherapy, infrared sauna, hyperbaric chamber, and any and all recovery methods described and/or offered by Cryo Recovery Lounge or Cryo Innovations are neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease.  No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA.  Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy or recovery method.  All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.

Mike Bakke