4 Main Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Spa’s Online Presence


Your spa’s online presence is more than its website. It also includes your social media strategy, email marketing, and PR campaigns. We are living in a digital age, and technological advancements are massive. Thus, every time a person needs a product or service, they simply “Google” it.

This means that irrespective of how you’re using your online presence, you can't afford to ignore the benefits of having a positive digital presence. While Google doesn't reveal how many searches it deals with daily, it’s estimated that they handle a whopping 36,000 queries every second.¹ Some of them are your customers!  

Evaluating the Effect of Your
Spa's Online Presence

Measuring the impact of your spa’s online presence is often difficult. You can, however, ease the process by analyzing the important key metrics related to your business. Here are 4 of the most critical KPIs.

Analytics From Google

Data-driven marketing is the future. According to Google, more than 90% of leading marketers agree that first-party data is critical to business growth.² 

Your website is the first thing customers view when they look you up online. It’s like your official digital home, and it gives them a preview of what to expect. If you've not integrated google analytics on your site, then you're missing out on valuable data.

Which pages are the customers interacting with most? How much time are they spending on your site? Where is your traffic coming from? Subsequently, all these are insights you can get from google analytics.

Social Media Engagement Rate

Almost everyone is on social media, including your customers. Thus, by creating accounts on various platforms, you give your spa a unique opportunity to interact with them. It also humanizes your brand and broadens your reach.   

Some of the elements you should use to measure the impact of your social media presence include;

  • Number of followers

  • Number of shares

  • Likes and comments

  • Engagement rate

  • Audience insights.

You should then use this data to identify the content your customers interact with most and then capitalize on it. 

Customer Acquisition Costs 

This is the amount of money you spend online trying to get new customers. You can measure this by looking at your digital advertising against each customer. This then helps you determine your spa’s return on investment for online advertising.

With this data, you're also able to tell which campaigns to prioritize based on your budget. 

Customer Lifetime Value

This is the measure of your customer’s total worth to your spa over the course of their interaction with you. Thus, it helps you determine your customer loyalty and retention rates. If your customer lifetime value is low, you need to critically analyze your digital presence and strategize.

Is Your Business Getting the Most From Its Digital Strategy?

Sometimes it’s not always about having an innovative cryotherapy machine. Your spa’s digital process also has a lot to do with your business growth. Therefore, by increasing its impact, you're able to enjoy better visibility, improved customer relationships, and enhanced credibility. 

Founded on facts: for peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, and articles cited above please see the below sources.

  1. 25 Google Search Statistics to Bookmark ASAP - https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/google-search-statistics

  2. Data-driven marketing statistics - https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-strategies/data-and-measurement/data-driven-marketing-statistics/

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