If your hospital needs oxygen hoses we can manufacture them quickly. Contact our office at 1-888-431-2796 or email us by writing If you need specific fittings we can most likely make them. Click here to see how we are supplying New York Presbyterian with hundreds of O2 hoses for ventilators.

The Situation as it Stands

The mainstream media is reporting the same story state-by-state: there are not enough ventilators for the hospitals. Ventilators are used when a person is so sick they cannot breathe on their own. The ventilator helps them breathe and if a patient needs a ventilator it is a matter of life or death. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York stated bluntly during a press conference that “If someone needs a ventilator and doesn’t get one they die. That’s it.” USA Today reported this morning that hospitals are retrofitting CPAP machines to use as ventilators in a “scotch-tape and bailing wire” solution simply to keep people alive.

Ventilators Need Hoses

A new predicament has arisen where hospitals receive a truckload of ventilators only to discover that they do not have enough oxygen hoses, rendering the ventilator useless. This was the situation when New York Presbyterian Hospital contacted Cryo Innovations asking if our manufacturing department had any extra hoses. CEO Keith Scheinberg immediately shipped every O2 hose on hand to New York. Senior Engineer Jason Adam trained on-hand staff how to manufacture them to the necessary specifications for the hospital and an assembly line began. Now Cryo Innovations is shipping hundreds of hoses per day to any hospital that needs them.

United in The Fight Against COVID-19


New York City is now the epicenter of COVID-19, surpassing all other countries in numbers of confirmed cases. Jennifer Loor, Manager of Strategic Sourcing for the hospital system was tasked with finding O2 hoses with specific fittings for over 10 hospitals. Reaching out across the country she found a ready source at our headquarters with the ability to produce thousands of hoses which will be needed as fast as possible.

More Hoses Are Needed - Right Now

CNN reported on April 8th, 2020, that “The Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced a second major purchase of ventilators, buying more than 43,000 ventilators from the manufacturer Philips for $646.7 million.” These ventilators will need hoses, and Cryo Innovations is partnering with every hospital who needs them.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: In this critical time human lives are at stake. If you have hoses, can manufacture hoses, or know of a hospital that needs O2 hoses, please contact us immediately at (949) 627-8790, or email

Mike Bakke