After Quarantine Cryo Marketing
We Didn’t Come This Far (To Only Come This Far…)
You do NOT have to shut down.
Many businesses are shutting their doors for good as a result of COVID-19. We are sure that you have worried about your business everyday, and this post is hopefully going to help you with ideas and inspiration about how to stay in business once this is over.
Maintaining Relevance
Marketing is first and foremost staying relevant in the consumers’ minds. This is why brands pay for brand placement in TV Shows and on athletic jerseys. The presence of their product (e.g., a beverage on a table in a movie) creates familiarity and a tacit endorsement. The hot sauce company Sriracha did this successfully with the TV Show The Big Bang, where a bottle of their hot sauce was present throughout their final seasons. Your relevance can be maintained by using this time to strengthen your social media presence.
Set up your Facebook or Instagram account to automatically post to each other. Contact us for help if you have trouble doing this.
Use our Resource Database to post customized photos, videos, graphics, and GIFs. Do this every other day.
Promote cryotherapy’s relief of aching muscles, stress relief, and how it helps weight management.
These three actions will help you keep your business in the minds of your clients for one simple reason: 9 out of 10 people are home all day and are scrolling their their social media multiple times per day! Take advantage of this unique opportunity, and if you need help or a walk-through on how to do it please contact us by calling our office.
Your First Day Back - Be Ready
When your location lifts the quarantine and you are ready to re-open your doors it may make more sense to offer discounts. Most people have been working part time or not working at all, and disposable income is somewhat of a thing of the past. This will change as the economy grows. In the meantime try offering the following type of specials:
First Responder Discount: Offer an initial free cryotherapy session in exchange for a post on their social media.
Weight-Management Special: bundle cryotherapy in with other services for a 50% off deal. Each cryo session with the XR is roughly $5.00 worth of nitrogen. If you can use that to also sell a second treatment of something else you will increase your total sales.
Wellness Boost Special: Offer a discounted monthly subscription with all of your offerings. Market its value and show your customers how much they will save.
Limited Offers: If you are financially able offer an extraordinary deal to the first 10 people who want it. This can help develop a craze for your business and help keep people watching you for when you will offer your next deal.
These examples of deals are only the tip of the iceberg. The point is that it will generate traffic into your business, and if you market it as a service to your community in these hard times people will appreciate it and remember you. Coming back from this is first about retaining your customers and keeping cryotherapy as part of their regular routine.
The Battle Of The Bulge
Many people are gaining weight and losing their fitness during the quarantine. The fitness industry is already expecting a surge, and you can catch that same wave if you start marketing now about how cryotherapy can help with weight management. Every authority knows that cryo’s non-shivering thermogenesis burns calories; how many calories depends on the individual’s current health, but it is often stated that caloric burn is 500-800 calories. A balanced marketing approach is to say that it helps to manage weight as a workout booster: it helps prevent overuse injuries and sore muscles, allowing people to workout more efficiently and for longer. Here are some talking points that you can use:
Starting up a gym routine after this quarantine can be dangerous. Make sure you go slow, and try some cryotherapy to protect you from the inflammation you are going to feel.
The gains that you have maintained over the quarantine are not the same now. When you start up your regular routine you are going to be sore, and you can really benefit from cryotherapy.
Everyone is going to need an edge to get ready for summer. If you do cryotherapy 3x per week your workouts will feel better and your calories will burn off faster.
Be A Community Supporter
All of your current, former, and new customers will need help. This is your opportunity for developing relationships with customers and partnerships with other local businesses. Try approaching your local gyms and offering discounts for their members. Contact your local hospital and ask to speak to their Director of Nursing and offer nurses a free cryo session. These small acts go a long way and help you support your community, and in the long run your community will support you.