How much is nitrogen in the long run?
Some small business owners have become worried that a nitrogen supply for cryotherapy may become too expensive in the long run. In contrast, an electric powered cryotherapy chamber needs nothing more than a 220 volt plug to run a session. But if someone buys a nitrogen powered machine will the nitrogen supply become too expensive? We studied the most popular models and the result may surprise you.
A Nitrogen Bill vs. An Electric Bill
With either chamber you will have one bill or another. An electric cryotherapy chamber may not use that much electricity when compared to other electric appliances. Our research has shown that the monthly bill will be around $300-400 dollars depending on the area of the country you operate in. But nitrogen costs about $160 dollars per dewar¹ and many businesses pay for 4 or 5 dewars per month. That's between $640 and $800 dollars per month! Anyone with a nitrogen machine can expect a nitrogen supply to be expensive.
Is a Nitrogen Machine Too Expensive?
Nitrogen machines are nearly half the cost of an electric chamber. Most electric chambers are over $100k and require even additional capital for installation. Some buildings may require a general contractor, permitting, and even plumbing. However, a nitrogen chamber is often around $50k, leaving a small business with more cash to use during startup. In fact, the $50,000 you save can cover your nitrogen expenses for years, all while making you money with each session. Furthermore, in the era of COVID-19 and air contamination concerns an electric chamber may not appeal to as many customers as this recent article shows.
NBA star Zion Williamson in the XR Cryosauna
What Is the Big Difference Between the Two?
Finally, most athletes and cryotherapy fans prefer nitrogen chambers for the simple fact that they get the coldest. This is the main reason nitrogen chambers even exist: they are better. Electric chambers barely reach the cryogenic threshold of -160°F, meaning the chill you feel is just that: a chill, but not true cryotherapy.
Interested in learning more about buying a cryotherapy machine? Click here to see how easy it is (no email or registration required). Are you curious about the science behind cryotherapy? Check out our list of peer-reviewed cryotherapy clinical studies.
This is assuming a 230L rented dewar with regular refills. Some businesses use a microbulk container which can hold up to 3,000L.
NOTICE: Information contained within this website and in all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations and Cryo Recovery Lounge is for informational purposes only. Whole Body Cryotherapy, infrared sauna, hyperbaric chamber, and any and all recovery methods described and/or offered by Cryo Recovery Lounge or Cryo Innovations are neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease. No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA. Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy or recovery method. All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.