Health and Fitness Relief Bill

Will the 30-billion provide grants to just gyms, or will the health and fitness relief bill help cryotherapy businesses as well? On October 1st, 2020, a bipartisan effort was made to request federal emergency funding to provide grants to affected businesses. "The Health & Fitness Recovery Act of 2020 helps provide a much-needed lifeline to the fitness industry, which has been devastated by the economic impacts of the coronavirus," according to U.S. Representative Michael Quigley, coauthor of H.R. 8485

The Health & Fitness Recovery Act

The Health & Fitness Recovery Act of 2020 may help your business.

The Health & Fitness Recovery Act of 2020 may help your business.

If passed will the health and fitness relief bill actually help cryotherapy? If your location meets the bills requirements:

  • You were in business on February 15, 2020 and your business still exists.

  • Your business is "a health club, health or fitness studio, fitness center, gym, or fitness or health spa" and not part of a government facility.

Like most federal grants this bill will prioritize veteran, female, and minority owned businesses. Many cryotherapy chamber owners also provide amenities that properly classify them as a fitness studio or gym. If this bill passes it may be the lifesaving infusion of cash that these businesses need.

Steps To Take Now

The most important step to take right now is to contact your lawmakers and representatives. Make sure they understand the importance of including the Health & Fitness Recovery Act in and future COVID-19 assistance. To help you find your federal representative you can follow this link and type in your zip code. Ways you can help your representative appreciate the importance of this bill can be:

  • Email campaigns directly to the Representative

  • Calling their office and asking to make a statement

  • Approaching local news outlets and discussing how this bill could help the community

  • Recruiting local gym members and supporters to do the same

Ways You Can Use The Money

This grant money can be used to help in a number of ways if the bill becomes law. You can use the grant for payroll, rent or lease payments, utilities, supplies, maintenance, and even mortgage for the business. Be sure to check with your local tax professionals to ensure you use the grant in ways the government will allow. Interested in learning more about buying a cryotherapy machine?  Click here to see how easy it is (no email or registration required). Are you curious about the science behind cryotherapy?  Check out our list of peer-reviewed cryotherapy clinical studies.

Founded on facts: for peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, and articles cited above please see the below sources.


Mike Bakke