5 Reasons Why The XR Cryotherapy Chamber Is The Safest Option
Cryotherapy is a relatively new wellness treatment that many people are using to reduce pain and support their health. A whole-body cryotherapy machine uses a gas form of nitrogen to lower your skin surface temperature by 30 to 50 degrees.
Because this is such a big drop in your skin's surface temperature, it's crucial that the cryotherapy machine you're using is the safest machine possible.
What makes the XR cryotherapy chamber the safest cryo machine?
There are many cryotherapy chamber benefits. But you'll only see those benefits if you're using the right machine. The XR cryotherapy chamber is known as the safest cryotherapy machine for five specific reasons:
More than eight onboard safety features. The XR cryotherapy chamber is manufactured with an Android operating system. This system gives the machine built-in safety sensors such as thermal imaging and eight other onboard safety features. This reduces the risk of injury to the cryotherapy machine user and minimizes the owner's liability.
The chamber requires an operator. You don't need to worry about the machine running longer than it ought to. The XR cryotherapy chamber requires an operator to be present to run a session and monitor and act as a cheerleader for them.
Advanced door design. The door to the XR cryotherapy chamber doesn't lock and can be opened with little force. This is great in case of an emergency. What's more, the door has a proximity sensor. This sensor tells the valves to shut down as soon as the door is open.
Two emergency stops. The XR cryotherapy chamber comes with an emergency shut-off valve and an emergency stop button. By having two emergency stops, you reduce your liability and ensure the safety of your machine users.
Constant Monitoring. Cryo Innovations is the only chamber that has your chamber connected to cloud software that is constantly monitored by our in-house engineers. If any component of the machine is not operating at perfect levels both you and our team are sent an alert.
Looking for high-quality cryotherapy machines that attract customers?
Our XR chamber now includes a built-in pulse oxygen sensor. This sensor monitors the chamber user's heart rate and blood oxygen levels for entertainment purposes. Clients who have experienced cryotherapy before routinely come back to use the XR and enjoy watching their heart rate and oxygen displayed on the monitor. This entertainment feature is one reason that clients will choose the XR over other older machines.
It's no secret the cryotherapy market has been on the rise. By 2024, the market is expected to reach a value as high as $5.6 billion. But just because cryotherapy is popular doesn't mean it's an easy business to get into.
Interested in learning more about buying a cryotherapy machine? Click here to see how easy it is (no email or registration required).
Are you curious about the science behind cryotherapy? Check out our list of peer-reviewed cryotherapy clinical studies.
NOTICE: Information contained within this website and on all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations and Cryo Recovery Lounge is for informational purposes only. Whole Body Cryotherapy, infrared sauna, hyperbaric chamber, and any and all recovery methods described and/or offered by Cryo Recovery Lounge or Cryo Innovations are neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease. No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA. Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy or recovery method. All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.
Cryo Innovations LLC | 1582 Monrovia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA, USA
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