What Should I Eat to Lose Weight or Add Muscle?


While there are countless diets available and supermarkets full of different meals to purchase there is always some confusion about the basics for healthy dieting.  People have been increasingly asking how diet affects their recovery and workout routines, and how cryotherapy can improve a healthy diet regimen to lose weight and build muscle.

The Best Diets for Weight Loss


A simple walk through the frozen food section at any supermarket can overwhelm anyone.  There are hundreds of choices for low-calorie foods and meal plans. Which ones are best?  One thing matters more than anything else: only buy what you will actually want to eat. It makes no sense to start a diet with foods that you hate.  All of these boxed meals can work because they share a common component: low calorie-count to help you enter into a sustained caloric deficit.  Dieting for weight loss is a restrictive diet in t hat eating is kept within certain boundaries.

How Do Calories Make Fat?

Energy that we need comes from calories in food; more food means more energy.  But if we store up energy (calories) and don’t use it our bodies store it as fat cells to use later.  If we keep consuming more calories than we are burning we end up getting fatter. The reverse is also true: if we burn more energy than the calories we are consuming our bodies begin using the fat deposits for energy and we lose weight.  Eating diet foods for weight loss will work if you keep it up and add in moderate exercise. Whole body cryotherapy can boost your caloric deficit by burning 500-800 calories per 3 minute session and reduce downtime in between your workouts through it’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

The Best Diets for Muscle Building

Foods and diets for bulking or building muscle are a bit easier to find; however, body-builders and athletes never eat anything that is counterproductive to muscle mass.  What are these foods? Junk foods, fast foods, and foods that are not healthy. For example, burgers and donuts will add bulk to a body-builder, but not the right kind of bulk!  These are unhealthy foods that will add cholesterol, saturated fats, and sugar to a body that is hungry for nutrients. Athletes and body-builders’ diets are prohibitive diets in that there are many things they can eat but they focus on saying no to certain unhealthy foods. Whole body cryotherapy helps build muscle by flushing the skeletal muscles with inflammation fighting enzymes and nutrients that help to heal the microtraumas that are caused by weight lifting.

Is Whey Protein Better than Plant Protein?


Protein powder for workout recovery and muscle building falls into two basic categories: protein from whey (i.e., milk) or from plants (e.g., peas).  Both are consistent forms of protein that are easy to digest, but there are two caveats: whey protein may not be the right choice for someone with dairy allergies or people who do not want to consume animal products.  Whey protein may also contain small amounts of cholesterol. This should not be a reason to avoid it, but if you are trying to lower your cholesterol you should choose a whey protein that has no or little cholesterol. Plant based proteins are more expensive than whey but are always cholesterol free.  You may pay double the amount for plant-protein per scoop than for whey, so choose wisely. Your bulking routine may be short lived if you cannot afford it, and building muscle mass that lasts takes a minimum of six months if not an entire year. A rule of thumb is that you can expect to build no more than 5 pounds of lasting muscle each year.  Any other results are only short-lived. Remember: easy gains are easily lost.

Mike Bakke